The Cheese Prince

My YA dystopian romance novel Infantasy coming 2024

Brielle D.M. is a soon-to-be author of Infantasy, her debut YA dystopian novel. In her free time, she watches anime and fangirls over fictional relationships. She currently studies marketing at university.

Magic is power.

When humanity made a deal with the Spirits to get superhuman abilities, they didn't expect half of society to rebel against the plan. They didn't expect a nuclear war to break out because of it. And they definitely didn't expect the Spirits to force them to sacrifice their own to the Infantasy, the world the Spirits live in.Now the Bliss, those with powers, host the Culling. It's an event where they send Sikes, those lacking powers, into the Infantasy, a world where anyone who's gone in has never returned. This time they're sending fifteen Sikes into the world, but how many of them will make it out alive?Brielle D.M.'s debut novel Infantasy is for those in need of a story about defying fate, forbidden love, unlikely friendships, and the spark of a dangerous revolution that could save the world. Or destroy it.

Get in touch

For business inquiries, collabortions, and other opportunities.

YouTube Channel

Book, chaos, and nonsense all wrapped up in the form of videos, shorts, and livestrems. Enjoy!